
Good attendance is essential in order that pupils can make good progress and reach their full potential. There is clear evidence that good attendance and punctuality go hand in hand with educational progress and attainment. We know that overall, our families here at Ysgol Bryn Elian make every effort to ensure that their children attend school regularly and punctually.

It is expected that every pupil, including Sixth Form pupils, arrive at school on time before registration at 8.30am.

If your child is unwell enough to not attend school, please tell us before 8.30 am by one of the following methods:

Telephone - 01492 518215 (if a member of staff does not answer the phone, please leave a message on the answerphone)

E-mail – please e-mail

The school will contact parents when absence occurs as a precaution against truancy. If your contact details have changed recently, please let us know as soon as possible.

The following link is a useful guide to parents and carers if your child is unwell and you are not sure if they should come to school. Nonattendance can have a huge impact on educational outcomes so we would strongly advise you to check this information. In most cases, it is advised that pupils do attend school.

The target figure for all students is a minimum of 95% attendance. Good attendance is vital for students to make progress and succeed both at school and at work later in their lives. Please help us to support your child attending school, by working closely with us to resolve any issues affecting your child's attendance. Please contact your child's tutor, learning mentor or manager to discuss any issues or if you require any support or guidance. There are some links and documents in this section which you may also find useful.

We monitor students’ attendance closely using electronic registration and an absence calling system, where a member of staff calls the parent of any child not marked present each morning if we have not been notified in advance. Please ensure that you inform us when your child is absent otherwise it will be marked as 'unauthorised'. Where possible, please make routine medical and/or dental appointments outside of school hours and if a medical appointment is necessary, please provide some supporting evidence (where feasible) when reporting the absence.

Our attendance figures are monitored by the Authority’s Education Social Work Service. Any regular patterns of absence or lateness, or if a child’s attendance dropped beneath 85%, are picked up by them and queried with us. In addition, regular lateness will also be queried. We monitor attendance and punctuality very carefully and will liaise with Conwy’s Education Welfare Services if a pattern of absences or lateness causes concern.

At Ysgol Bryn Elian we feel it is important to reward both good and improved attendance. By rewarding good and improved attendance, we aim to motivate our learners to develop habits of punctuality, responsibility and resilience which are all essential skills for their future. Recognising and celebrating attendance not only encourages consistent participation in learning, but also fosters a positive and supportive school community where every learner feels valued. Together, we are building a culture of commitment and excellence, helping our learners achieve their full potential. Rewards include; post cards, certificates, badges, early lunches, rewards lessons, achievement points, the attendance wall, amongst other incentives during attendance focus weeks such as non uniform days.

Legislation from the Department for Education makes it clear that a Headteacher may not grant any leave of absence unless there are exceptional circumstances. If you need to request a leave of absence in term time, please contact admin office by email to request a copy of the form.

We encourage everyone to organise dental and other medical appointments outside of school hours and family holidays during school holidays. A list of school holiday dates is available on the Conwy County Borough Council website at

Punctuality is essential as lateness has a negative impact on a child’s learning and the rest of the class as a whole. Teaching and Learning time begins at 8.30am prompt.

If a pupil comes to school late, as is occasionally inevitable, they need to report to reception where they will be registered.

Supporting Documents and links:

  • YBE Attendance Leaflet
  • Parents Leave of Absence Form
  • Guide for parents on School attendance
  • FPN Information
  • Holidays Leaflet
  • All Wales Attendance Framework
  • EBSA Parent information
  • Conwy School Attendance Letter

Penalty Notices Conwy:


YBE Leaflet Attendance

pdf, 763.415 KB

Guide for parents on school attendance

pdf, 178.037 KB

Parents Leave of Absence Form

pdf, 60.412 KB

Small holidays leaflet english

pdf, 215.822 KB

All wales attendance framework

pdf, 549.737 KB

Conwy School Attendance Letter

pdf, 164.186 KB

English EBSA Parent

pdf, 885.582 KB

Fixed Penalty Notices Information

pdf, 109.611 KB

Awards & Accolades